Deep Learning or DL is very similar to Machine Learning, the way a machine learns
through its surroundings and understands and adapts thereon. Deep Learning
however, is powered by Artificial Neural Network. DL is one of the few topics which
have rapidly taken over the IR4 and might continue to do so even further. But what
are its current use cases and where can one most commonly see DL right now?
Personalised marketing is the current epitome of Uber behaviour implementation.
But how is it working? Through DL of the consumers and buyers obviously. The
consumer mind is interpreted and understood for likes and dislikes as well as wants
and needs to target particular perfect products to particular perfect consumers.
Automated and self driving cars work by understanding the area around them and
then understanding where and how to drive. The more the cars are understanding,
the more they are getting equipped for open roads.
The personal digital assistants that we all love, be it Google, Siri or Alexa, work
through DL to understand their bosses, or you, in this case. This leads from
understanding what you are saying all the way to interpreting and executing your
Healthcare and diagnosis, the speed, the result accuracy and the diagnosis of unseen
diseases have all changed drastically since deep learning has been introduced to the
healthcare sector.
Understanding and analyzing the stock market by understanding and analyzing
graphs, rates, and fluctuations have led to many advisory-based software which
understand the market and report predictability to the consumers accordingly.
Ever had your credit card declined when you bought a completely random thing
that you never would've bought? That happens through DL. It helps minimize
fraud by understanding consumer actions and acting on the same automatically to
prevent theft or misuse among other things.
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